Category: Giving back

  • Helping Rebuild Lives in the Favelas of Rio

    My travels to South America in 2010 took me to Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. All my travels have two major components to it – it must include a major hike/trek which I did by visiting Machu Picchu and hiking the Inca Trail. The second component is to volunteer with a local, grassroots level…

  • Creating and Developing an Outdoors Community

    One of the reasons I started a hiking group a few years ago is to bring like minded folks together as a community. Since moving from Calgary a few years ago, I’ve met with other newcomers and travelers who often complain that Vancouver can be a ‘cold’ city for people not born and raised here. Regardless…

  • Helping Resettle Palestinian Refugees into Canada

    During the summer of 2009, I travelled to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Egypt. Before my travels, I had been raising awareness and funds locally in Canada for Palestinian refugees who were forced out of Iraq due to the war and were currently trapped in a “no man’s land” between Syria and Iraq. I was…

  • Volunteering for the homeless of Vancouver’s DTES

    Taking a stroll through Downtown Eastside, it’s no wonder this community is the poorest in all of Canada. Vancouver’s inner-city residents face numerous challenges such as addiction, mental illness and the ongoing housing crisis makes matters worse for anyone who’s managed to stay immune to the first two. Rudimentary efforts to address this crisis exist, both…